As we deal with the CoronaVirus, schools in many States and countries are closed. It’s a relief for many parents to have their kids at home where they can ensure they stay healthy. However, the issue of schooling comes into play. How do we ensure our children continue learning while at home? The easiest way is through homeschooling.
Lots of schools are sending children home with at-home learning resources they can use during this time. While these resources are useful, parents need a little more help to educate their kids at home, making homeschooling apps an invaluable tool.
What are homeschooling apps?
Homeschooling apps are online resources that children can use with their parents’ help to learn at home. These applications can be used on hand-held devices and are available on iOS or Android platforms.
These apps provide age-appropriate educational programs for reading and literacy, science and mathematics, and even languages that children can access daily to keep up with their school work. They also provide extra resources to help kids and parents organize learning, such as to-do -lists, calendars, and lesson plans.
If you’re looking for some homeschooling apps, here are some suggestions.
1. Khan Academy
A great free homeschooling app that offers videos and practical exercises in Science, Math, and other subjects for children to use in homeschooling with their parents or as an additional resource after completing their regular school work. They even provide resources for students to prepare for college entrance exams.
2. Homeschool helper
Homeschool helper is an app specifically made for homeschoolers. It provides parents with a chance to plan lessons, give assignments, and keep track of their children’s progress by monitoring attendance and grades. It’s a tablet app that your child can use on most hand-held devices such as iPads or kindle.
3. K12 timed reading practice
Some applications may not be used for primary learning, but they can improve your child’s skills in certain areas. The k12 times reading practice application available for Android and Apple devices is a good example. It helps kids improve their reading skills, gives short stories for the kids to read, and includes questions to test their comprehension.
4. Duolingo
If your child is learning languages, a popular online homeschooling language app they can use is Duolingo. The app has more than 30 languages for kids and even adults to learn grammar, speaking, and reading lessons.
5. GeoGebra
For kids at all levels that love math, GeoGebra is an excellent homeschooling app to use. It provides help on various math tasks such as statistics, geometry, algebra, and science and maths games. Apart from the tasks, the children can have interactive lessons too.
6. Quizlet
Another free homeschooling application that’s perfect for kids who want to keep abreast of the lessons they would ordinarily learn at school is Quizlet. It covers all subjects they learn at school and others they may find interesting such as coding. It also provides them with an option to share resources and messages with any of their classmates.
7. iPlan Lessons
Parenting time comes with a lot of responsibilities that may interfere with learning. Therefore, an app helps parents to keep up with homeschooling tasks, and iPlan Lessons is a great option. It allows you to upload lessons, create tasks for your children, monitor their progress, and keep track of their grades, among other homeschooling tasks.
How to homeschool successfully
You may have the best application for your kids to learn at home, but that’s not always enough. You need the discipline to teach and check up on your children, and they need the same to absorb their lessons. If you want to make homeschooling a success, here are some tips that can help.
- Create a school routine
Children need a routine to succeed at homeschooling just like they do in regular schools. It keeps them on a schedule that allows them to study all they need and also include other activities in their day. Routines also allow parents to plan their days and engage in other activities apart from schooling their children.
- Find simple ways to learn
Some applications use games to teach children lessons. Others provide listening resources or webinars. These are examples of fun and easy ways that your kids can use to learn their daily lessons. Use the applications and resources that make learning at home more manageable for you and your children.
- Include some physical activity
Although learning using apps is fun, it’s also important to limit screen time. You need to find a balance where your children are doing enough schoolwork every day and give them time away from their devices to engage in fun activities.
As children are mostly staying indoors, fun exercises such as dancing, or engaging in creative activities such as art projects can help break the monotony of school work.
Have you tried homeschooling?
These are a few resources on homeschooling you can use to educate your kids during this time when they are at home. Although it seems hard, once you and your children get the hang of it, learning at home is easy and rewarding for your child. If you have any other excellent homeschooling apps in mind, please share them with us.
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One Response
Great read!!!! Keep sharing such great blogs. These are some really amazing app, I have used some of these which you have listed above and I really recommend others. These app will surely help in homeschooling your children in best way.