This product review is for an online productivity course for mom’s who are at home with their kids all day.

This is a reading based course, no video’s or audio. It is a pretty simple, straightforward format. Each lesson appears on a page, followed by action steps you can take to implement her idea’s and productivity tips.
The program also includes some worksheets, printables, and files to complement the program and get you started quickly. There are also some links to blog posts in certain lessons if you wish to have further reading on the topic.
You may be worried about investing time and money in a course when you already feel overwhelmed. How will you fit this into your already crowded schedule? Well, don’t worry, you can easily work through each lesson in 10 minutes. Some action steps will take time to implement, others are pretty quick.

1. It is easy to work through.
2. There are a lot of valuable tips for creating systems to keep your home running smoothly.
3. She is real, including being blunt that you may have to *gasp* choose to drop some things, or do them less perfectly.
I have been homeschooling for over 10 years and freelance writing on the side the past three years. I am a lover of systems. They make life go round. So, as eager as I was to try the course, because I love reading, learning, and systems, I also wondered, will she have anything new to teach me?
I am glad to say that although some of her ideas were not new to me, there were, indeed, new ideas. New things to try. I am especially enjoying one of the downloadable handouts that came with the class titled, “100 Quick Tasks to Grow Your Business”.
As you work through the course you can hit the button to mark the lesson complete. Then from the homepage of the course, the completed lessons will have a checkmark next to them. So, if you have read a great lesson, but aren’t ready to move onto the action steps, you can keep reading without clicking the completed button. This way you will know which lessons you want to go back to again to complete action steps or re-read her ideas.
I think this course would be a solid help for anyone new to either homeschooling or freelance work, especially if you struggle with overwhelm. Her advice is very solid. I read a lot of productivity and self-help and can tell pretty quickly if advice is from the clouds of the imagination as opposed to the being from the real world. This course is solidly grounded in reality and things that have stood up to real-world work.
To read more reviews of the course check out the Homeschool Review Crew blog.